Permanent Straightening

What to expect when you have this treatment

Step 1 – Consultation

The first thing we will do is assess the length and condition of your hair, discuss with you the look you are trying to achieve and whether this treatment method is right for your particular hair type.

Step 2 – Preparation

The next step is to prepare your hair for the treatment. To achieve this, your hair will be washed
and dried 50%. Your hair is then ready for the straightening treatment to begin.

Step 3 – Application

We will start by applying the smoothing cream an inch away from the scalp through the lengths and ends until all the hair is covered. We will then leave this to process for 15 – 30 mins until a positive test is achieved. Hair is then thoroughly rinsed, then blow dried and straightened.
Neutraliser is then applied throughout and left to develop for 15 – 20 mins.
Finally, the hair is thoroughly rinsed again, then dried without a brush, then straightened.


Immediate aftercare – for 3 days after:
DO NOT wet or wash the hair, if it gets wet dry and straighten immediately
DO NOT tie it up. If you do, you will get bends and kinks in your hair
DO NOT place any clips, grips, head bands, hats etc as this will also create bends and kinks

Hair can be washed 3 days after (72hours)


We recommend you use the MATRIX Mega Sleek shampoo & conditioner to maintain the sleek, glossy look

We recommend having root touch every 4 – 6 months

Find out more about Permanenent Hair Straightening


  • Re-touch application – £70
  • Short hair application – £90
  • Mid-length hair application – £100

Treatment combinations

  • Perfect with a cut

Please note

  • No chemical service should be applied to the hair for 2 weeks minimum before or 2 weeks after this treatment.

What we advised

As this client’s hair was so thick and curly, it was very difficult for her to manage on a daily basis. We recommended permanent straightening as it would not only give her the straight hair she was looking for, without the daily effort of heat styling, it would also make her hair smoother and so much easier to manage.

The results

What a transformation! Our client was looking for a sleek, straight, glossy look that was easier to manage and I think we achieved just that. She now has beautifully straight, shiny hair that will be so much quicker and easier to maintain and the results will last.

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